For the most part, everyone is up to speed on everything that took place surrounding the FBI raids at HOPCC over the summer, and the subsequent loss of their GI Bill eligibility.
Recently, more information has been released about court filings from the Department of Justice concerning HOPCC. The Augusta Chronicle published an article today, reporting that the "Department of Justice recently filed a forfeiture motion for almost $150,000." The article continues, "The motion claims the church and its bible seminary defrauded hundreds of military members in a more than $22 million scheme" (Augusta Chronicle 2023).
The Augusta Chronicle mentions some serious charges stated in the court filings, "The motion, filed Friday in the Southern District of Georgia, alleges the church committed theft and unlawful conversion of government property, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, money laundering, and conspiracy to commit money laundering. Authorities say the church used 20 financial institutions and 80 bank accounts to transfer funds." In short, money was seized from several bank accounts associated with HOPCC.
Here are the documents from the court filing by the Department of Justice. It's a lengthy document, but well worth the read if you want to know what HOPCC is hiding. To summarize, HOPCC is in serious trouble! These ministers and those who continue to follow Denis are complicit in this racket.
There is a link to read the article in the Augusta Chronicle and photos of the court documents at the bottom of this post. Those of you still inside HOPCC should take the time to read it. If you want solid evidence, which a few of you have demanded, you can't get much more solid than court records. One thing that the Augusta Chronicle mentioned was that their open records request to the FBI and DOJ were rejected. This means that there is more info concerning this investigation will come out in due time, as the truth always does.
Augusta Chronicle- DOJ: House of Prayer Christian Church swindled $22+ million in VA Benefits

I am thankful that this New Year brought us this news. I went through the filing 3x and I thought it was pretty accurate and very telling. All the people that know and who have worked with Denis in the past everyone agree that this filing fits Kadesh Moses Denis to a TEE. His fingerprints are literally all over this whole operation. These accounts these transactions are all reported to Denis daily and The FBI literally has Denis's finger prints all over this. Hmmm, They have traced these accounts several of these accounts are tied directly to Denis and his second wife the former Julie Boles even one Subject Account Number 5 particularly is reported in the Asset Forfeiture docum…
Derby, derby, the filing mentions nexus. Look up nexus derby. What does that mean. 5 letters nexus, five letters denis, what does that mean. Derby look it up. Uh, uh, yes sir. Nexus means "a connection or series of connections linking two or more things, a connected group or series, the central and most important point or place". Duh uh yes sir. Also the last name of the woman from vets Ed success, uh derby what was her name? Sir, her name is "Justice" sir. Uh uh what does that mean?
Seems like there will be more than a couple of guys that are caught up in this fraud. It's worth pointing out how many times fraud and like terms were used in this court filing. It's what a lot of folks know on the inside of hopcc, but are unwilling to say. Labat, Gonzales, Garcia, retzlaff, and others. They all know better, but they have allowed themselves to be used by rony denis for evil. Do they even realize that all they are is front men used to conceal the one who really runs the show? Do they realize that rony denis has set them up as fall guys, all the while rony has enriched himself? Please, if you are…
The people asked for proof, now here it is. What are you going to do with it? Are you going to continue to be deceived? Are you planning your exit? Or are you going to let Rony and his minions continue to do with your lives as they please? Enough is enough, you can't make this up. House of Prayer is going down, praise God!!!
Well you can’t make up official court documents so it’s impossible to say this is a lie. Hopefully the people will realize that HOP was built on a lie.