Breaking News! This legal filing is just the beginning of Motions and counter motions that will be filed over the next year or so. You can read for yourself this list has several of The Friends of corruption we can call them. Remember this is only the beginning and more testimonies and trials will be brought to light. Pray that the victims of this crime be restored and God to have mercy upon us all.

Although I'm no fan of civil asset forfeiture, which constitutes a blatant violation of the 4th amendment's guarantee against unreasonable search and seizure, I can't feel too bad about this one. Too bad it's only a fraction of their massive grift.
I would think that agents follow this site, so please act as fast as you possible can. Many who left hop still have close friends and family there. We know Denis has had people drink mystery drinks before (like Jim Jones) we believe he is capable of pulling of a mass suicide. This man is demon possessed. I'm sure you have heard the personal testimonies of his hideous criminal acts.
Once again, this investigation is serious. What those in hopcc don't realize is that many other so called schools have already gone down for the same thing that hopcc has done. No, this isnt happening because you are a church, or because of race, or because your special and unique, or because your the remnant, or because you stand against sin (you don't stand against your own), or even because hopcc is a cult (which is true). This is happening because hopcc crossed over into criminal activity such as wire fraud, money laundering, conversion of govt property, and who knows what other charges may come. Hopcc is not unique at all, rather they have followed in the footsteps of others…
Wow. Clown show recording from Sunday night. Omar and labat its not coincidence that you are recorded now. Rony is mad about the post about wasting your life in hopcc. Blah blah. Yes paul did turn the money away from the sooth sayers. Just like we have done. We run in the vein of Paul so much more than you all. Denis pumped you guys up and you're recorded. That's ok we know your shaking in your boots. What will you do when you have to walk alone like many of us have? Denis set you guys up again, pumped up in crazy pride. You don't know what we know. You're playing with fire in this investigation. You all wer…
I just looked up the houses (mansions) via their address. They're living pretty that church money. There are ministers who live for the ministry and there are ministers living off the ministry. The son of God came to serve not to be served. Seems to me these ministers came to be served.