(ARCHIVES from February 25, 2020)
The Psalmist had experienced a tremendously challenging time in his life, a time of persevering endurance. God’s love for his soul brought him to pen the words of Psalm 40, “I waited patiently for the Lord, and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust n the Lord. Blessed is the man who maketh the Lord his trust, and respecteth not the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies.”
Praise our GOD who has the power to keep us, protect us, and deliver us from the hands of Satan. HE that began a good work in us will finish what HE started.
Since July 22, 2010, when I spoke out in opposition to what Rony Denis wanted me to do, my life has been filled with agonizing mental and spiritual torture. I have been tormented in my mind to try and uncover each and every sin I might have done in order to be right in God’s eyes, but every time I would give this nut a list of my sins, he would tell me there was more. He even told me that God was going to use me for what He could get out of me, and then get rid of me. Convinced in my mind by this pervert was that only through him could I get right with God, I have been alone and unable to fellowship with anyone for the last 10 years. I was “allowed” to go to church on Sundays, but was avoided as if I were a leper. If a visitor were to sit near me, then an usher would ask them to move. I could handle the humiliation, the shame, the pain, for he convinced me I had hurt so many others that I deserved to be cut off from everyone, as he said I should be in solitary confinement for the rest of my life. He told me I was worse than Hitler! He also said I was worse than a serial killer who raped, tortured, and murdered dozens or even hundreds of people!
He didn’t count on me praying and reading my Bible and he was never able to take my HOPE away because he didn’t put it there, GOD DID!
As of Saturday, February 22, 2020, the chains have been broken, the spell on my mind has been released, and our powerful Saviour has once again delivered me from the powers of darkness and brought me into His Great Light of Truth and Love!
It was a childhood friend who first introduced me to Christ, in the late summer of 1988, under a streetlight in my hometown. I shortly thereafter went into the Army and was stationed in Germany. After several months of being pulled back towards sin and the world, I cried out and prayed for God to help me, saying, “If you’re really God, then send someone by to help me!” The next day there were two sincere Christians who invited me to church the next day. I said to them, “This must be God!” It was August 5, 1989. I gave my whole heart to Jesus the next morning. I got saved. Love came in and I was delivered from sin and shame. I found joy in reading my Bible and praying.
Denis was not there.
I went to Seminary at NTCC after the Army, in January of 1993, not knowing my calling, but I just wanted to be a Christian and help someone else. I met my former wife, Julie Joy, in 1995, and we were married in July.
I first met Denis in January 1996, when I was told I was going to be trained by him to be a pastor. I was made to believe I had to be a pastor if I was going to be anything in that group if I was to be a success. Even back then Denis was all about numbers and money. He even had jealousy towards other ministers in the group, which I thought was odd because Denis said everyone thought he was so revered and referred to as Michael Jordan, a basketball star: he could bring a crowd and the money.
Denis was always paranoid about what others thought about him, so he planted all these seeds of doubt in my mind about others, to try to make himself appear greater than he. In the world, we would call this, “little man syndrome.”
NTCC sent us to Okinawa, Japan to work as associate ministers. After a few months, we were ready to move on and were sent to various cities over the next 7 years to minister or work on the church’s building crew as a carpenter. I was struggling at one of these churches I was at, it was Oceanside, Ca., Denis was what was called an Overseer. He came in, got the numbers up, and the money flowing. He had me convinced it was Julie who was messed up, and therefore we were sent back to NTCC’s main church as failures. Since Denis had put all these thoughts of doubt about Julie in my mind, I began to think of moving on and hoped she would leave me so I could get someone else. But I prayed and God helped me to shake off that filthy spirit. We did love each other and prayed and read our Bibles.
Denis became my neighbor 2 years later, in 2002, and began to plant doubt in our minds about the leadership of NTCC. Julie told me one evening that if there were a split that she wanted us to go with Denis. I cautioned her to not talk that way, that we could get in trouble if it got out. We lived in fear of questioning the leadership then as well, but nothing like what was to come under the regime of Denis.
Denis promised us that God was going to start a movement, one that would not be about numbers or money, but we would be like the Book of Acts. There would be no titles, no Board, no Overseers: we would all be brothers and sisters in the Lord, and God would lead all of us by the Holy Ghost. He said we would not live in the fear of a man, but we would learn to walk with God without all the rules and regulations.
Julie and I were fortunate enough to travel to all the churches and preach, teach, soul-win, build and fellowship. God was helping us and blessing us. Many things transpired over the next several years, as Denis became more demanding concerning the amount of work that needed to be done and the money that was needed to do the job right. He wanted me to purchase everything from Habitat for Humanity, but they just don’t carry what you need when you need it. I spent countless hours combing every used building material store in many states to try and do my best to save the church's money. My spiritual time was suffering because of the demands that were placed on me, but I tried not to complain, I would just work through Denis screaming at me all the time. He had been calling Julie on the phone a lot, under the ruse of her helping me. She would tell me she was just trying to help me, but Denis trying to get us to bite and devour each other.
Then came the night of July 22, 2010. Julie had gone to Hinesville for a few days, so it was one of the first times we had ever been apart. Denis sent Derby to place an additional amount of work and expense on the work. I was a bit overwhelmed and expressed to him as a brother that it was difficult. Within a few hours he had told Denis that I complained, and Denis called me yelling and screaming and told me to leave. I was so terrified, 3 hours from my home, away from my wife, late at night. I drove home. Denis had already filled her head with a bunch of trash, told her I was a homosexual, and she didn’t even want to be around me. I was not a homosexual, I am not a child molester, nor did I ever have sex with animals! But over the next several years Denis filled my heart and mind with so many sexual perversions and I was under such fear and confusion that I would do anything to get God back and have my life restored.
The accusations were overwhelming. I barely slept and didn’t eat for 9 days. I was contemplating suicide as Denis told me to not talk to Julie anymore and had her tell me that she could never be with someone like me. His fear and intimidation over the next decade have been nothing short of torture. He would call me with the hope of restoration one minute, and the next time would be threatening ex-communication and him praying against me the next if I quit.
His fear and intimidation worked with me, I was a soldier used to taking orders and I feared losing Julie if I didn’t confess to all my acts of homosexuality, bestiality, and child molestation. I told him I wasn’t any of that, but he kept telling me I was lying and that I needed to keep writing my sins down and confessing them. I couldn’t believe the very things that would come to my mind, horrific things that I confessed to Denis that I did, every time expressing to him how I couldn’t believe how I had buried those awful things in my heart. This went on for nearly 10 years! In the meanwhile, he took over $40,000 from my account, had Julie divorce me and have her move in with him, had Anthony Oloans take out credit cards in my name, run the limit up, and never pay. He forced me to pay for a car that he took back from me, have the Sheriff’s deliver foreclosure paperwork on my house, and the list goes on and on. I had been living off credit cards to where I was over $50,000 in debt and had to default and destroy my credit. All the while believing this Fraud that I would be restored. I thought he was the Man of God, like Samuel, the only man on earth who could help me (he even told me that lie)!
I was all alone, not permitted to speak to anybody in the church all these years. Only being fed the lies that Denis was telling me.
I was beguiled and led to believe by Denis that I had to suffer for my sins. My heart was telling me I loved God and I never lost Hope, but my mind was controlled by the lies of this Pervert who had on more than one occasion told me that Julie reminded him of his mother, commenting on the shape of her lips and facial features.
I reject you, Denis, in the name of Jesus I rebuke you and your Jezebel spirit. You proud, wicked, little man, you tried to KILL me. You STOLE the wife of my youth, my car, my life savings, my friends, and my family (would not allow me to go to my Dad’s funeral in 2013!) And you tried to DESTROY my faith in Christ’s work on the cross for my sins!
You False Prophet, you were sent by satan, you viper, you snake, you demon-filled devil! I renounce and reject you and your fear and your intimidation, your lies, deceit, trickery, false hopes, demonic mind games, and thought-manipulating sexual perversions. All the lies you convinced me that I did came from your own filthy and perverted heart! How many souls, marriages, and lives have been destroyed by you, little man?
I never quit believing in my Jesus to deliver me- and now He has!
“He brought me out of the miry clay, He set my feet on a Rock to stay, He put a song in my soul today, a song of Praise Hallelujah!”
Brother Boles