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Restraining Order Unsealed Against Rony Denis and His Brain Dead Guppies!

Updated: Feb 9

Rony had several members of his inner circle physically restrain his wife and daughter from attempting to leave the House. Their Names are Jeffery Seth Derby, William Dan Pilkington, his wife Jennifer Pilkington , Joseph Tyrone Fryar, Randy Bercini and his wife Pricilla Bercini.

Holy Smokes Batman That is 7 total people to hold them down by force! Now if that aint a Destructive Cult I dont know what is.

More updates and details will be shared on this post as the official releases are authorized. There is much more of this story waiting to come to light and the public has displayed a huge amount of concern for the welfare of Marjorie and Mariah. Tell all your friends.


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May God bless you and open your eyes to the truth. Don't be afraid, fear is of the devil. God loves you and wants you out more than you...

9 comentários

09 de fev.

One thing that needs to be pointed out about all this, it's not just adultery that Marjorie has filed for divorce. It is also for cruel treatment. Cruel treatment has been experienced by many in HOP. Cruel treatment either directly by denis or indirectly through his minions. This is an absolute fact!!!


Inquiring Minds
Inquiring Minds
09 de fev.

To Will and Jenn Pilkington, Randy and Priscilla Bercini, Jeff "the stalker" Derby (I know you still read this site), and Joe Fryar...All of these years of abuse that this woman has been through (AND YOU KNEW ABOUT IT), and you guys tried to restrain this woman to keep her there in her misery. Who knows how many times this woman tried to escape and you guys interfered!!! You all are complicit in all of this abuse! All of you are pastors and ministers! ALL OF YOU know everything that has gone on...EVERYTHING!!! You are a part of all the lies that you continue to defend. You all are part of the harassment and stalking that many of us former…

Membro desconhecido
09 de fev.
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Project Noah
Project Noah
09 de fev.

I am certain that in the midst of all this court process, all of this is going to hit Marjorie emotionally. If she ever felt anything for these people....some of us still have nightmares. We have had to repent and apologize to our families and other members. We have had to forgive ourselves for the times we froze....if Marjorie ever felt anything for these people.... all she would have to do is say one word and people would really follow her out. HOP members have been conditioned to hate anyone who left. Some of them are hateful and mad and they don't even know why.


09 de fev.

Marjorie wants reimbursement for a Chanel purse and clothes that got dirty that were purchased to open up a boutique???? What about opening up a battered women's shelter for all the women that are about to come out of that cult that her husband is still abusing? Her own husband abused her, his daughter, Julie Boles and she wants to open a boutique??? That's goes to show you where her mind is. She cares nothing about those women and children that are being abused as we speak. She wants to make sure she keeps her luxury lifestyle because that's who she really is. Those ladies that are still in the cult look up to her. I just think that there…

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"She needs to sort out her priorities."

-Ronald Weasley


All he had to do was humble himself from what we all have been saying that there is something wrong with his church, but he didn’t. Now look at him, everything is falling apart right before his eyes. Mr. Denis, you are either Job or the man whose sin lieth at the door. Prophets and prophetesses have warned you of the evil to befall you. All you had to do was take heed, and even just question yourself, maybe there might be something wrong- but your pride didn’t let you. Your ministers are seared with the same arrogance you have. At the hands of two or three witnesses shall every matter be established. There have been more than three witnesses…

Membro desconhecido
09 de fev.
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