Last time Denis was laughing and making jokes. But recently he’s sounding like he’s on drugs again. He says people want money and things but what about him??? He stole money from the people and the government to obtain the riches of this world. What can it profit a man if he gains the world and loose his own soul. Why is the bible college now free? Why couldn’t it be free for all them years???? Law abiding citizens, yea right. Yes Denny baby, there’s a lot of questions that you don’t want to answer. This, this, this. What can I say, God has to do more. I hate sin, yea you should hate yourself because YOU ARE SIN!!! There’s a lot of unknown questions, articles, this, that, this, this. Right now this, this, this. You are all over the place rony, traditional church is not finished. Look at you, You can’t finish the sentences, you are babbling. Why are you worrying about climate change? People raid the place. God will give you your recompense according to the Bible Denis. God knows where you are, you can’t hide much longer. He says, I’m praying for you guys, yeah right, just like you prayed for every marriage in HOP to be destroyed. We don’t want those prayers. You’re not Jesus, oh we know that, thank God, but you are a false prophet. Oh trust me, God is going against you rony. Did you really think that you was going to get away with all the mess you have created in HOP? God had to let humanity know ah ah ah ah ah ah. What can I say people raiding the place, crazy people writing nonsense. Why can’t you tell us who you really are? Stop putting it on the people that they love vanity when you yourself is the example of vanity. Yea the height of your pride and your sin has reached God and He will not be mocked. This this this, You can’t have people writing newspapers believe garbage, trash everywhere ohhhh FBI. Yes Denis because you have no charity you are like sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal and it screeches 😖 in the ears of God. The gift of prophecy, that, you don’t have. What can I say, what can I say ah ah ah ah ah. I give people things to record lol lol lol. Guys don’t quit. Why do you always have to emphasize people quitting??? Yes you are crazy. Rev Robertson, I was gonna do miracles I’m not ready yet. I was going to do signs in the church 🤣🤣. People wake up!!!!! Denis can NOT do miracles. You CANNOT make the Holy Ghost come down. What a mockery! You’re not teaching the Bible, you are TWISTING THE BIBLE. You tell us that news and the people on the website are writing lies and to look at the way they dressed but wait a minute, we dress so call “holiness” but yet are the biggest liars, frauds and deceivers. Testimonies are so phony. Vaughn sit down somewhere. Denis had you marry your ex pastor’s wife who can be your grandma, ewww 😝😝. He is younger than her own son for crying out loud. That is nasty 🤮. How is it that the people are so blinded and accept this trash? Don’t you people realize the way this 🤡 sounds???? Bradeen didn’t have an angry spirit, did he mess up, yes but he had the spirit of God, that’s why he’s gone, you just thought you was going to continue to control and manipulate him like he was your puppet, but God had other plans. The guy on that tape “you” are worse than before. Control and mind manipulation at its finest. Stop trying to scare us with all the trash you talk about the world this this this. Right now I prefer the world than this. Why are you still talking about New Testament? We know you stole the money from them to start HOPCC. House of Prayer was built on a LIE!!!! Yes years have gone by but this thing has to come to an end. What goes up must come down. The truth of God will prevail over the lies of rony and Satan and we are seeing it unfold before our very eyes. Those that were standing outside were bringing the truth and unmasking you. You are sin, you are worldliness, you are unholy. You yourself go on the internet rony. You monitor this website 24/7. You was always about money and wanted the money. You stole over $22+ million dollars from the government. HOP is a cult running a ponzi scheme and used the church to cover up. You moved to Augusta to start your scheme up there too, but the feds are coming for you. The woodbrook story is old rony. Stop enabling him Robertson. You know your cult leader is a fraud. If I was you I’d run away as far as I can. What’s going on rony? You are going crazy right now. Conference unmuted lol. He’s not listening to you Robertson lol. You are covetous and greedy. The devil is having a field day with you rony. God is laughing at your calamity. You really are trying hard to defend yourself, but it’s too late. Once again denis NO, you CANNOT do any MIRACLES only GOD CAN. That crazy raid this this this. We heard it from the man himself, we can go to any church or bible college we want to. But we all know that’s a lie. He’s afraid of loosing more people. Less people, less money. Yes we are recording, yes we are listening duhhhhh🙄. Hahahahahaha 🤣🤣 you want us to charge the feds for breaking the doors? OK. Gabe you’re so phony lol 😆. The church is getting so much attention from the media because you robbed our veterans of their hard earned GI BILL. You don’t mess with the government sir. You really talk out of the side of your mouth 😛. If what the website people and the newspapers are writing are lies, then why don’t you give out a statement or yet have your lawyer put out a statement in your defense and say that you are innocent? You can’t because you are the liar and you are the fraud and you stole from our veterans and you can’t stop and are still scheming up in Augusta and Florida. If anything the lawyer is telling you to shut up 🤐🤐 because anything that you say will be used against you in the court of law. But knowing you, you gonna keep running your mouth. People wake up!!!!!! Remember his words, you guys are going to jail not me. It’s only but a matter of time rony. Like I said, GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED!!!!!!!
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He said in June when I left he was the Donkey stepping on church members toes. He said we need our toes stepped on.
Denis talks about climate change because he's sending all those text of website pages of headline news. I left last June. Then He was scaring the church that America was going to be nuclear bombed but we'd all go to Heaven so don't worry. He was telling us by sending all kinds of pornographic pics that the world was turning gay and that revival was hopeless. He actually told us to pray that God would judge the world and rapture us. He said if any of us prayed for revival God hates us. Well Denis revival is hopeless huh? Did you hear Denis roe vs wade is over turned. Many states are starting to reverse the trans laws and indoctrination in our schools? Not only that Denis but more and more Conservative and Christians are starting to be active in turning our nation back to God. Denis was sending us many web pages trying to tell us global elites were taking over the world, telling us aliens were taking over, telling us that AI would take over. right before I left it was getting more weirder than ever before. See Denis revival could have been real if you wouldn't have sold out on us. If we would really pray preach and go into the world like you first said. You stopped praying Denis and fell in love with your pleasure and money. You better enjoy it because as you always told us Hell is no joke!
You know House of Prayer you tell a brother you don't believe in aliens and then he tells pastor and you get rebuked next service. Denis has got these ministers sooooo far gone. The'll preach whatever he tells them. I'm sure he secretly last at how pathetic those compromiser preachers that follow him are. I'm sure he know these guys are soo weak they say he's Christ, they preach alien invasion... I know He knows the truth soo he's got to be chuckling inside like I always knew you were a man pleasing coward that why i kept you around.
They are going to change the song soon.
We got him we got him. We got him we got him. There's something about that Denis we can't explain but we got him we got him.
Oh he's got us he's got us. He's got us he's got us. There's something about that Denis we can explain but he's got us oh he's got us.
Wow. Denis is really bad. He's a complete nut. Keep talking because everything you say is absolute judgement against you. It's all recorded denny baby.
If I didn't know any better by listening to the recording myself i would say little rony is pouting maybe he got his little feelings hurt. For someone who has mastered emotions he sounds like a little girl. Do you want some cheese with that wine. Did you here when he said that he almost let the cat out of the bag . What is that all about. Denis you are such a teaser. Or what about the point where he is talking to labat and omar and telling them to not admit any wrong. So we see here another example of Denis coordinating witness testimony. Then there is the part when he does a miracle of the Holy Ghost and he commanded Robertson to sit down and relax and he was going to feel the something powerful. And then he got so swept up in himself he forgot to even follow up and ginish his trick that he Know that was classic Rony/Biden moment great miracle. You can not make this stuff up. That's why Rony talks so much about biden he feels alot in common with him the both got that whole dementia thing down and everyone covers for them.
Sounds like Denny baby is spewing more of his subjective truth. Trying to bend reality to fit his lies. He is lying or delusional, or both. BOTH. If the website people are lying then why is what they say and have been saying for years backed up by other sources. Let's see, yes, the newspapers and news outlets, va oig, fbi, district attorney for the southern district of GA...yet all denny does is run his mouth into his self made echo chamber. He believes his own echo. Denny is the epitome of pride, ego, covetousness, idolatry, and vanity. He is thee most selfish person. He hurts women and children, families, sincere believers in Jesus. Website people lying? Please, we know so much much more, but will not reveal that or sources or methods. Denny is crazier than ever. He will reap the whirlwind, just like the Greensboro church that was destroyed by a tornado. Denny played the part of god and lost. The little beast with swelling words. Angry spirit, huh, how much sweat did Denny work up beating those girls for hours? Mr angry himself calling others angry. He is a cesspool of evil and bad juju. Don't listen to the website people, look at the way they dress. Yes Denny baalim, with your covetous spirit, keep beating the donkey. That's what we are, just little donkeys.