Why do I even care you ask? I'm not part of your church so why even meddle business not of my own?
I'll tell you why...
Evil persists because good men fail to do nothing. Someone needs to take a stand.
What does this have to do with your church? Was I not part of your church for an entire year giving tithes and offerings every time I got paid 1st and 15th of the month? Does it no longer matter now?
Since I left your ways never have I ceased praying (I had a prayer life before this church by the way).
Are you the ones to cut the branches that produce no fruit or isn't it God?
Just because I am no longer in your church, means what I and others say don't matter?
It matters to me and all of us because at one point in time we gave our time, our very existence to who we thought were stewards of The Shepherd.
Instead they hurt and controlled our very being then manipulated us to believe it was our own fault.
Just because I didn't stay there for 10 years or that I am not one of your ministers doesn't mean it didn't affect me or any of us in a negative way.
So it is only right we speak out against your ways.
I know you all still think you are at no fault and that you all are being persecuted, while those of us out know you're being judged.
In your teachings you attempt to berate and belittle members and uphold and revere those who have stricken their hand of surety with you.
You respect persons of high intrigue and those that are YESmen.
Can I not marry a woman not in the church though she still believes in Jesus? No. I have to marry in the church which is usually arranged. I can't even court the woman I like but have to ask for a minister's permission and approval.
Stay? I think not.
We're speaking up because we know how some of the sincere members that are still in feel. Will we be condemned to Hell if we leave this church?
You say no? Then why don't you let members see their family members once in a while? You separate members from their families with excommunicado because if not, they'll fall away? Fall away where? To Hell? No? Fall away into God? Praise Jesus!
Oh wait, fall away from God you say in your hearts because they can't possibly serve God outside of your church!
As your ministers have separated families, your churches shall also be separated. Once your leader loses his power, another and two more shall arise and say, "Let's go this way!"
Then another, "No let's go that way!"
For the Lord of Hosts shall come onto everyone with the sword of His Word- namely truth. And the truth shall divide you for your perspectives will lead you into your own truths of this is how we ought to serve God. "No this is how!" says another.
Your teachers say God is worshipped in Spirit and truth.
Welp, that's indeed how we outsiders serve Him, so you're right about that.
💯👍 the shepherds and the Christian Growth movements (cgm) came from 5 preachers. 1 preacher being Derek Prince. Derek Prince and another preacher Openly repented and said these movements along with Icc and icoc were wrong and they hurt a lot of people. Read about it. It's all out there. They sound just like Denis. Prearranged and split marriages, asking pastor before you do anything. No one can hear from God accept through a pastor. One preacher in that movement even said "if God spoke to me and I knew it was God but He said something against my pastor. I would obey my pastor." Sound familiar??
The shepherds movements come from the New Apostolic Reformation witch comes from the Latter rain movement that The Assembly of God rebuked. The latter rain later repackaged and renamed to the (NAR) New Apostolic Reformation.
These movements all spawned from the Hebrew roots movements hence kabbalah, Legalism, Moses worship, and old Testament teachings prevailing in the church over new testament teachings. Man centric Christianity even hates Jesus. They all start out promoting Jesus but later don't even mention His name in any service. They are stealing the place of Jesus and they do not Trust or work with the Holy Spirit. The process as they always say trust the process is the device mentioned in the Bible as the work of mans hands, the scheme and devise of man. This is the vision of man or any prophet not really sent by God. They manipulated and control and feed themselves without fear. The process is the mechanism used to make slaves and merchandise of God's people. Read it. It's all there. You will see Denis teachings and more studying the shepherding movement. Sad thing is though Derek Prince repented. Preacher all over including some of you are teaching his stuff. It's a sin. I encourage you to trust the Holy Ghost and stop micromanaging God's people.
Very well said. My son has been in town for the longest. Has he visited us? No, it's been almost eight years since our son stepped foot in our house. We know nothing about him except what people tell us. My husband and I talk about our son constantly and yes we love him and miss him but he has to realize and repent because he has done God wrong first of all. They all walk around carrying a Bible with their noses tooted up kicking against the pricks. Denis has trashed us so bad and yet they see us out on the streets and we are the total opposite of what denis and his ministers said about us. I know that messes with their minds. They say to themselves, wait a minute 🤔 Denis said this,this, and that about so and so but yet I see them and they are just fine. Denis speaks lies about us, don't believe his lies. It has been so good and a blessing since we have left HOP. God has blessed us so much and has opened up so many doors. Look at the many people that have left, how God has truly blessed them. We are not making it up. People of HOP, look at what God is doing all around you. You are Not being persecuted, God is trying to open your eyes and show you that Denis is a fraud, a false prophet, a pedo, a Narcissist, a controller and he is loosing control of the people because God has never sent anyone, let alone Denis to control God's people. You are bound in that cult but you can be FREE in Jesus Christ!