Don’t let HOP or Schmidtke lie to you. Semexant is NOT in Texas nor vacationing nor visiting anyone, he is still in jail and he is going to be there for a long time. Most likely HOP has abandoned him or they still visit him to keep him quiet and from revealing other HOP members secrets. When you are willingly serving satan, this is the result. Where is Denis in all of this? Hiding behind the polycom still wizard of oz? This is his work, The House of Pedophiles and many more are going to be exposed. You ladies that have little ones still, are you going to let any of those men mess with your kids?? How many children are being silenced and bribed and are not able to speak because they have been threatened not to say anything?? What else do you want to happen for you to realize that HOP is demonic and of the devil? There are some parents in this cult right now that this has happened to their own children and are covering up, you know who you are. HOP needs to be shut down for good and all them pedos put in jail, starting with the main one.