Many people today are running from the church, not because they’ve lost faith in God, but because they’ve been betrayed by the very leaders they were taught to trust. These so-called leaders, the ones who should be guiding their flock, have instead committed the most vile and unforgivable acts, preying on the innocent and destroying lives. They are nothing short of monsters—horrible humans who have violated the sacred trust placed in them, and they don’t deserve to walk this earth after the harm they’ve caused. The pain they’ve inflicted goes beyond just their victims—it ripples through entire communities, leaving shattered families, broken faith, and a deep mistrust of the church.
But the greatest tragedy is that people are running away from God, mistaking these corrupt individuals for the faith itself. The sins of these leaders do not reflect the nature of God, and we must not allow their evil to drive us away from Him. God’s love, justice, and mercy stand in stark contrast to the horrific actions of these predators. While they deserve the harshest judgment, we must remember that our faith lies not in flawed human beings, but in God, who remains just and true, even when those who claim to represent Him fail so grievously.