And it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve . . . . . .. but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15 KJV
These words I have and still live by in my household. God has given us his word to live by and this scripture sums it all up. There are some that continue to look to His word for daily guidance. This choice for the homes has to be made daily. In doing so you make your salvation an election sure. Applying God's decision of his plan for your life, is the ultimate acceptance of Jesus Christ, His son. People can use this scripture alone to lead them to or back to God's path of righteousness. Looking to the left or the right of that path can put us on a journey that brings mental, physical and spiritual destruction. For some it is evil to serve the Lord, because they now serve a man. A man whose statue in the community and even in the church is more important than the name of God or Jesus. This man's name has taken the place of God in the hearts of many souls, unbeknown even to those in the household of faith. The eyes of those in the church have been blinded by money, titles, and property. Rather it be a house, car, or whatever allows them to gain something under a man's name, that is their heart's desire. Can those who call themselves Christian look in their hearts and mind and say I am following the path that Jesus walked before me? Is their household a house of faith or a house built by a man's word and his promises, and not on God's word? Have you or can you ask this scripture of yourself? The choice is yours. 🏠